dimecres, 16 de maig del 2012

Final reflection

Now I have a intermedial level of english (mor or less). But I compare mi first oral presentation with my last and I  can see very differences. For example, the fluency at the time to speak, the vocabulary and the pronuntation.
I can see too a big developement in general. Now I can maintain a formal conversation, and in the past i can't. In the past aways I use the same words, but I incremented my lexic and now are more variated.

My English Competence in 2012


I try this post because I think is one of my best post. This post have some errors but have a good vocabulary and good gramar. The text it's easy to read and easy to understand. Although, when I read this post I remember the concert, and make my feel good and exiting. This was one of my favourite moments of my life.

In the future, I will use english for search work and overcoat to know and speak with new people. For example, the last summer I do four new friends of Norway. Thanks my english, I can comunicated to they

diumenge, 13 de maig del 2012

Review: Laura in the city of sants

Laura in the city of Sants is a history of one girl, Laura, that recently been married with Tomas a rich man with rich family. Tomas proposed to Laura to live with he and with his family. She accept. With the time, Laura been know the family of Tomas, and with little time she descoberinf that she aren't fall in love of Tomas. She can see that the family and the people of the city, Comarquinal are very very gossips and hypocrites. All of people always try to know the life of the other people. Laura know a one lawyer, Pere and she really fall in love for he. But the sister of Tomas,Teresa, always are fall in love for Pere. Teresa have a lot of jelous of Laura, beacuse she is young and Pere remain with Laura. Futhermore Pere fall in love Laura too. In the end Teresa said at Tomas that Laura see Pere in a ocult places, and Tomas cast out Laura, and she frustated come to his city, Barcelona

Formal letter

 Mr President of USA Obama                                                                                    C/Araya 2B
White house                                                                                                               666       
New York                                                                                                                  Kululu
Unite States                                                                                                               Madagascar                                                                                                                                   23th of April of 2012

Dear Mr Obama,
The reason why I am writing to you is to express my worries about a terrible problem going in a country of Africa. One person, Kony, is taking a lot of children and forces them to figth and use weapons and the conditions of life of these childrens are very dreadfil.
For this reason I think that you can help these children because you are the presidents of USA. You can send your army, search and kill Kony, for the freedoom of these children. You have the power, you have the army, you have the money, you can help and contribute to the cause.
I'm looking forward to your action
Yours sincerely,

The injustice against arbitrators

Now and always the arbitrators been very very desvalorated and have a elevated pressure. The arbitrators, goods or bads, are humans and do errors, but in the pitch his errors are condemned. I think that we need more compression for they, that supported a big pressure. Futhermore, out of fields critique arbits at terrible form. The people can undersatnd the position of arbitrators, that for example in a speed action do a error, but we in the house with the repetitions can't know the true of the action because are diffuse, you imaginated the position of the arbitrators, that can't see the repitions of the action and have to do anything. Also all of arbits do errors, and the people say that are bads, but is impossible that all of the arbits are bads, the reason is that his work is very dificult, and the people can't see it.

dissabte, 12 de maig del 2012

Earworms: Why catchy tunes get trapped in our heads

Earworms are songs that we haven't get out of our brain. Earworms show a part of our brain that it's out of control and refuse to leave when we tell them. This songs normally are simples and repetitives. It's possible that the similitude of the music rec  grooves in our mind. Grooves in which earworms can work. This circumstance it's for the sensibility of the brain of the music. The eraworms are very power because you can suffer a atack of one earworm if one person tell the name of the song. The fenomen of the eraworm affect at the memory of long time. But the eraworms can work in the memory of short time, in the anomenate slave memory. This part help we at thinking of  the acts of this day, but  with eraworms we can't think and the song be repited in our brain


Army should care for elderly

Sada Mire belive that the militars must to help at nurses and in the kind of health. She think that the most stronge persons must to help  at the most weak people. And belive too that they must to help in the schools. She said that there are a new experiencies for they for the manteniment in the future of the peace in the world gaining this compassion, humanity and empathy by working and dealing with the youth and the elderly.






Do more cars mean more accidents?

Karl Benz asked hislef that the number of cars is relative at the number of deaths. In first, he say that in UK in 1950 were 4,4 millions of cars and 5012 deaths, but in 2010 were in UK 34 millions of cars and 1850 deaths. Said in another way, in 1950 for 100000 cars was 114 and in 2010 only 5 for 100000 cars. Like UK the other rich countries  reduced too the number of deathss between 1980 and 2009, two examples are Spain, with 58% less and French with 54% less. If we count the number of accidents and injuries the think change: in 1950 there were 167,000 accidents with 196,000 injuries; in 2010 there were 154,000 accidents with 207,000 injuries. The number of injuries augmented, but the deatths reduced thanks of the systems of security. This estadistics are in the world developing, but in the countries subdevoloping it's very diferents. For example in Sudafrica the number of detahs are 15000 in the road. Futhermore other diference are that in rich countries the people who death are principally the ocupants of cars, but in the other countries not only the ocupants, fate the vulneralbe peatons. The reason are the system of security, that only in the 47% of the counties hahve laws of this kind. In the future the number of detahs in the world will augmented.


dimecres, 9 de maig del 2012

A lucky girl (second part)

Mary Jane wear behind of the door and listened that the people said. She can see a eight persons, all of they with black smoking and with masks. The persons said to steal money in a important banc of the city. Mary Jane listen all of the plan. Later Mary Jane go away in the same way. She wait to the time that the thieves want to stolen and she phone the police. The thieves, that were well armed, kill all of the police mens and escape of the bank. The thieves take his car and run for the Nacional II. Suddenly begin to pursue helicopters, cars and vans of the nacional police and the mosssos d'esquadra. Mary Jane take his bazzoka, point the objective and shoot. She with lucky colud hit the mark and the car was destroyed and the thieves deads. Later the polices premiated at Mary Jane for kill the thives, because they were a importants thieves that the polices look the thieves since very time. The police give at Mary Jane the Playstation 3 with the Call of Duty: Black Ops and one check with 125000 euros. Futhermore, give she a little house in Baleares.

dimarts, 8 de maig del 2012

Description of my friend Hermes

Hermes is a guy of 16 years old and live in Bilbao. He work in a bussiness and is the boss. I meet he the last summer in the beach and now we are very friends.

In first, Hermes is a short guy, with long hair and gray eyes. He have a largest and pointed face, with freckless.  He have big foods and in general he have a athletic body.
Hermes was a nervous person and lose the control habitualy, but when he be quiet, you can speak with he of any topic and have a good conversation. Sometimes he is shy, but with the time he take confiance and is very friendly. He aren't selfish, he try always he can to share his goods and try that the people around he be good. He like marxism and read books of Karl Marx and Bakunin. He have selective memory, he only remember the think that he like, the rest he have problems to remember. He doesn't tolerate the lies, the hypocresy and the ultranationalist people. He really like the people with open minded and the racionslist people.

In conclusion she is a really good friend in general, but his greatest failure is the little pacience that he have

dimarts, 10 d’abril del 2012

Human Rights

0. Quiz: do you know your rights? : what's your score? My score is 30

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are the all of freedoms and rights that have any person for the reason of be human and not distinguish any person for the reason of his culture, sex,economic level or other condition, are equal for everybody, Was created in oficial form in 1948 for the ONU.

2. Why were they created?For guarantee a minum level of life of the all of persons of the world and for that the persons could be integred in the society

3. How many human rights are there? Currently exist 30 human rights

4. Which human right were you not familiar with? Mention an example where this human right is respected and where it is not respected.
The number 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks.

This human right are respected for example in my house, anybody are judge arbitrariament and the privacy are respected. And in the times of nazism, the jews didn't have privacy, were controled for Hitler

dimarts, 20 de març del 2012

A lucky girl (First part)

One time exist a girl who was16. Her name was Mary Jane, and she lived in Calella. This girl was margined in his high school, because she was different from the rest of her partners. In the past she had fought with six of her partners, two of these were men, and she won all of times. She didn't have friends, because all of the people in her town were stupid, hypocrite and superficial. However, she didn't feel lonely, because she was independent, the family helped her and she fed from the little pleasures of life, and with this she was satisfied. One day, when she walked in the forest, she fell down a cliff. When she woke up, she found a very big house. She entered to the house, and encpountered a hole in the floor. She got in there, and she coul see a long tunnel. She went acroos the tunel, and she walked two kilometres. At the end of the tunel she found one elevator. She entered and down a lot of meters. When she arrived at the end, she saw a lot of hallways, doors and machines. She listened voices behind one of the doors.....

dilluns, 19 de març del 2012

Transalte: Anthrax - N.F.L.

It started back in high school / Tot va començar a l'institut
So cool, king of the scene / Genial, el rei de l'escena
You found that making people laugh / Vas descobrir que fer riure a la gent
Was more than just a dream / Era més que només un somni
The public took right to you / El públic anava directe a tu
Like flies to a pile of shit / Com mosques a un piló de merda
So funny and smrt, so talented / Tan divertit, llest i talentós
But succes just couldn't fit / Però aquell èxit no el vas poder suportar
Wasting your life, no future bright / Desaprofitant la teva vida, cap futur brilla
Dancing on your grave / Ballant sobre la teva tomba
Living like a slave, someone should've said... / Vivint com un esclau, algú hauria
d'haver dit...
N.F.L efilnikufesin NFL / N.F.L efilnikufesin N.F.L (X2)
Wake up dead in a plywood bed / Aixecar-se mort en un llit de fusta
Six feet from the rest of your life / A sis peus de la resta de la teva vida
And when you couldn't see your own dependency / I quan no podies veure la teva
pròpia dependència
N.F.L, nice fuckin' life / N.F.L , bona fotuda vida
The whole world is your playground / El món sencer és el teu pati d'esbarjo
Yet you can't find your niche / Encara no pots trobar el teu nínxol
Your only friends, it helps you through / Els teus únics amics t'ajuden a superar-ho
Helps you dig your daily ditch / T'ajuden a cavar el teu ras a diari
The botton line can't touch you / Els d'avall no poden tocar-te
Cause you're above the rest / Perquè estas per sobre de la resta
But your little friend's the enemy / Però els teus amiguets són l'enemic
And the bottom line is death / I els d'avall estan morts
Wasting your life, no future bright / Desaprofitant la teva vida, cap futur brilla
Dancing on your grave / Ballant sobre la teva tomba
Living like a slave, someone should've said... / Vivint com un esclau, algú hauria
d'haver dit...
N.F.L efilnikufesin NFL / N.F.L efilnikufesin N.F.L (X2)
Wake up dead in a plywood bed / Aixecar-se mort en un llit de fusta
Six feet from the rest of your life / A sis peus de la resta de la teva vida
And when you couldn't see your own dependency / I quan no podies veure la teva
pròpia dependència
N.F.L, nice fuckin' life / N.F.L , bona fotuda vida
You lived a life of excess / Vas viure una vida d'excessos
Goddamn shame it's such a waste / Maleïda vergonya, és un rebuig
Just one too many cookies / Només una de moltes galetes
From the batch no one should taste / Del piló que ningú hauria de tastar
Yet his memory stills stays with us / Encara la seva memòria roman amb nosaltres
Cause watching him was fun / Perquè observar-lo era divertit
Too bad things weren't different / Masses coses no foren divertides
Who konws what he'd have done / Qui sap el que hagués fet
Wasting your life, no future bright / Desaprofitant la teva vida, cap futur brilla
Dancing on your grave / Ballant sobre la teva tomba
Living like a slave, someone should've said... / Vivint com un esclau, algú hauria
d'haver dit...
N.F.L efilnikufesin NFL / N.F.L efilnikufesin N.F.L (X2)
Wake up dead in a plywood bed / Aixecar-se mort en un llit de fusta
Six feet from the rest of your life / A sis peus de la resta de la teva vida
And when you couldn't see your own dependency / I quan no podies veure la teva
pròpia dependència
N.F.L, nice fuckin' life / N.F.L , bona fotuda vida

My experience in Mallorca

At two years in the past I travelled to Mallorca. I went alone, for disconnect. I travelled in a little boat. When I arrived in the port, the frist that I did was search a place in the forest for sleep. After i went to the beach for bathe and i swiming a lot. Suddenly, I saw a shark and he greet to me, and after he eat two medusas and one octopus. Later he fight with other shark, and the fight was very hard, and the two sharks die. Later I leaved to the water and I did a bonfire for cooking the meat that I has in my handbag. Suddenly one squirrel aproped to me, and I offered a piece of meat, and the fucking squirrel call his friends and stolen all of my meat. I get angry and I burn the forest and I run away. Later I meet a abandoned house, and I decided to settle there. I stay all of my holidays live in this house. After of two weeks, I come back In my real house

diumenge, 4 de març del 2012

Transalte - Angel of death (Slayer)

Auschwitz, the meaning of pain / Auschwitz, sinònim de dolor

The way that I want you to die / La forma en que vull que moris

Slow death, immense decay / Mort lenta, enorme decadència

Showers that cleanse you your life / Dutxes que et netegen de la teva vida

Forced in / Forçat a entrar

Like cattle, you run / com el bestiar, corres

Stripped of you life's worth / Despullat del valor de la teva vida

Human mice, for the Angel of Death / Ratolins humans per l'Àngel de la Mort

Four hundred thousand more to die / Quatre cents mil més per morir

Angel of Death / Àngel de la Mort

Monarch to the kingdom of the death / Monarca del regne de la mort

Sadistic, surgeon of demise / Sàdic, cirurgià de la mort

Sadist of the noblest blood / Sàdic de la sang més noble

Destroying, without mercy / Destruint, sense pietat

to benefit the Aryan race / en benefici de la raça ària

Surgery, with no anesthesia / Cirurgia sense anestèsia

Feel the knife pierce you intensly / Nota el ganivet travessant-te intensament

Inferior, no use to mankind / Inferior, inútil per a la humanitat

Strapped down screaming out to die / Lligat cridant fins morir

Angel of Death / Àngel de la Mort

Monarch to the kingdom of the death / Monarca del regne de la mort

Infamous, butcher / Carnisser infame

Angel of Death / Àngel de la Mort

Pumped with fluid, inside your brain / Injecten fluïts al teu cervell

Pressure in your skull begins pushing through your eyes / La pressió al teu crani comença a empènyer els teus ulls

Burning flesh, drips away / Carn cremada, goteja

Test of heat burns your skin, your mind starts to boil / La proba de calor crema la teva pell, el teu cervell comença a bullir

Frigid cold, cracks your limbs / El fred glacial, esquerda les teves extremitats

How long can you last in this frozen water burial? / Quant resistiràs en aquest enterrament d'aigua gelada?

Sewn together, joining heads / Saturats, caps junts

Just a matter of time til you rip yourselves apart / És només qüestió de temps, fins que t'esbocinin

Milions laid out in their crowded tombs / Milions tirats en llurs plenes tombes

Sickening ways to achieve the holocaust / Formes repugnants de dur a terme l'holocaust

Seas of blood, bury life / Marees de sang, vides sepultades

Smell your death as it burns, deep inside of you / Olora la teva mort mentre crema dins teu

Abacinate, eyes that bleed / Cegats per un ferro calent, ulls que sagnen

Praying for the end of Your wide awake nightmare / Suplicant per el fi del teu malson en vida

Wings of pain, reach out for you / Ales de dolor, t'atrapen

His face of death starning down, your blood running cold / El seu rostre de mort observa la teva freda sang fluint

Injecting cells, dying eyes / Injecció de cèl·lules, ulls moribunds

Feeding on the screams of the mutants he's creating / S'alimenta amb els crits dels mutants que crea

Pathetic harmless victims / Víctimes patètiques i inofensives

Left to die / Abandonades a morir

Rancid Angel of Death / Ranci Àngel de la Mort

Flying free / volant lliure

Angel of Death / Àngel de la Mort

Monarch to the kingdom of the death / Monarca del regne de la mort

Infamous, butcher / Carnisser infame

Angel of Death / Àngel de la Mort

Angel of Death / Àngel de la Mort

Interview at Sebas, of the band Asterium

Sebas is a boy of 18 years old born in Uruguai but life in Empuriabrava and study second of batxillerat. He is the founder of the band Asterium, a group of pagan/death metal. Now I speak with he:

1. I know that your group not is thrash, but this kind of music afected you and your band? Of what way?

-Definitely, yes. Thrash is the first kind of extrem metal, and I think that all of the bands of metal have a influence of thrash, we principaly of Metallica and Kreator. I and Luciano (the guitarrists) begin to play thrash since a lot of time and now when make riffs noticeable influence.

2- What is the first group of thrash that you begin to listen? And now what is your favourite?

The first group was the creator of thrash, Metallica. Is my favourite band since begin to listen thrash, but also I loved Kreator and Megadeth.

3- What is the reason for the creation of Asterium? When?

-The reason was that I had always wanted to play in a band with my real songs. After of Asterium, I was playing in other bands, but I was incumfortable. At a given time I decided that I have to creat a new group, but thi time seriously. For this reason I creat the band with romanic lyrics and the part instrumental very strong.

4-What do you try to express in your songs?

-In my songs I try to express a pride feelings, like the song tituled "Asterium", that speak of the warriors more poor of the roman army, but they are pride for are who are. Too the feeling of the victory.

5-I know that you in the past were in other groups, but you belive that Asterium are the definitive?

-Yes, definitely Asterium is my favourite group, and we have 2 CDs and we working on the third and every time we grow up and fill the room of the concerts. My objective is continue in Asterium to life for the music

Thanks Sebas.

Review: The tree of science

The tree of science is a book of Pio Baroja publiqued in 1911. The book is a autobiography of the autor. The principal character is Andres Hurtado, a medicine student. The book narred the way that Andres become very negative because he see the situation of Spain of the epoque, and is a real shit, because the people are very very ignorant and egoist and are manipuled for the cacics, people with very money and lands. The cacics lay at the people , stolen and manipuled the elections. Andres see this situations all arround. At the final of the history he sucide because his wife dye in the delivery.

dissabte, 3 de març del 2012

The third world war, it's near

"Fight fire with fire, ending is near", said Metallica in his song "Fight fire with fire" for the album "Ride the lightning". And they have truth, ending is near. You only see the state of the world of know it. The gundpower are served, only need a spark for light it. I belive that the possible spark is the exhaustion of fuel. Actualy, the fuel is the blood of economy, and if fuel ends, thw world ends too, because the world are vased in the economy and the money. The exhaustion of fuel will provoque a terrible crisis in all of the world and became a terrible war for get the little fuel remaining. And this war not will like 2nd WW, because actually we have improved atomic bombs. Is a question time, and exist very spark more, for example the overpopulation.

Valentine's day, a good day for spend money

Valentine's day, a good day for spend money, because this date is a invention to the multionational, they said at we that this is a day of the lovers, but this is a fool, because when you really are fall in love, you don't should to demosntarte your love in one day, so you should demosntrate all of the days. The publicity said we that this day we should to prepare a romantic scene, for example dine in a beautiful restaurant, and if this is the most expansive restaurant of the city it's better.
In conclusion, I hate this date and I think that the people that belive in this day are manipuled





dijous, 1 de març del 2012

Europe urges Spain to reduce the number of "chonis"

The European Comision calls to Spain to correct the sociodemographycs imbalance, for example the number of chonis, bakalas and canis of the spanish youth population. Europe considered that the big number of canis is a delay and they can put a fine if the governament not reduce. In a conference in Brussels, Vice President of the European Commission , Olli Rehn, has claimed today that the Executive once this plan containment measures "chonis" in coordination with the institutions and the Ministry of Education .

I think that this is a great mesure because Spain is full of canis and that is a bad notice, because much of the young people not study and his life is dedicated at smoker marihuana, and this need a arrangement


Sleep quality 'improves with age'

A telephone survey said that from the 40 the sleep begin better. This project was made from the Center for Sleep and Circadian Neurobiology. The people was selectioned randomi and they asked of his sleep, the age, the race, income, education, mood and general health. The depression or having health problems was linked to poor sleep quality, but the number of complaints was reduced from the age of 70. Dr Michael Grandner said that we need to rethink what we know about sleep in older people men and women. However, he said that asking people for their opinion about sleep patterns could produce answers that were dependent on their mood at the time.

I think that this is probably true, because the olds have less responsabilities and can sleep better.

IBM researchers make 12-atom magnetic memory bit new

Now, IBM say that we need a milions of atoms to store a bit in a hard disc. They belive in the smallest world magnetic memory bit. This technology allows to create a a very very long hard discs.The physical limit is the world of atoms. Currently they achieve put information in only 12 atoms. In the future, they want to put the maximum information with the minimum of the atoms.


Sex without love

Sex without love a topic that has long since questioned. The conservative people aren'tt agree with this topic, but the liberal people accept the topic.

In first part I agree that the sex without love, because is natural. I think that sex is a nesecity, like eat, so isn't bad practice sex without love, is a organic activity.

In second part, if you can practice sex only when you are fall in love, when you don't fall in love you repress your instint.

In the final part, I think that sex with love is more beautiful, isn't a organic activity, is more, because the souls of the two persons come into contact

In conclusion, practice maximum of sex because is on of the big pleausres frees of the life brother.

dissabte, 21 de gener del 2012

Resum of my TDR: Thrash Metal

My research project deals with thrash metal. Thrash metal is a type of music created in USA in 1980. Thrash it's from heavy metal, hardcore punk and with roots of speed metal. One of the causes of the birth of thrash is that at the end of the decade of '70 birth a new type of metal, glam metal and some people glam metal was an insult for metal and this rage was expressed in his music. Thrash is a kind very strong and fast. The representatives groups of this music are MegadetH, Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax. I explain the story of thrash, the predecents, the origen, why and caracteristics. The final is an analysis and I transalte 8 songs. I comment the songs and explain the subject.
Keywords: music kinds, groups of music, euphoria, inconformisme and rage

The begining of heavy metal: Black Sabbath

In the last years of the decade of '60 there are in England bands of hard rock for example Led Zepelin or Deep Purple but the band that poitend that others was Black Sabbath, because was the father of heavy metal.
Black Sabbath is a group formed in 1967 for Tony Iommi. In the beginings Black Sabbath was a band of blues, but one day Tonni Iommi had a nigthmare because Ozzy ( the singer of the grup) send a book of terror and for this point the band thing in change the lyrics and make horribles. However the guitarrist have one accident in the fingers in a factory, which was difficult playing guitar, then what they did was to loosen the strings that go up
play better and then discovered that this way the sound of the guitar was more
dark, as if it was demonic. It was something that they liked and did not force
rule to play live. Well, the sound "demonic" and thechange the subject of letters
applied in concert and this is where we would begin to talk about heavy metal. The intention of Black Sabbath was to take a music that would fear and actually did it: the
first played the song "Black Sabbath" People are scared and left
current setting, then realized that his music was really scared. He
be something revolutionary at that time and did not receive good reviews, at least
first Black Sabbath album.

dilluns, 9 de gener del 2012

Jak II The Renegate

Jak II is a game do it for Naughty Dog in 2002 for Playstation 2. Is a game of platforms and science fiction. This is the continued of Jak and Daxter, the first game. The principals characters are Jak and his inseparable friend Daxter and the second characters are his others friends.

Jak travell in not away future, and the governament tahe Jak and they have became Jak in a monster for the fight with Cabezachapas, a monsters that atack the city. Jak escape to the casttle of the governament and search one band that fight with the gobernament. The objective of Jak are that kill the governamet and fight with Cabezachapas. For this two objectives, he make very misionns since arrive to the governament. In the end og the game, the governament is killed for the king of Cabezachapas, and the last mision is kill this king, that was a friend of Jak, but he was transformed in a normal person.

For me this game is very good, because is entertaining and the history was very worked. I play this game many times in the past and I was very happy with this game.