dissabte, 3 de març del 2012

Valentine's day, a good day for spend money

Valentine's day, a good day for spend money, because this date is a invention to the multionational, they said at we that this is a day of the lovers, but this is a fool, because when you really are fall in love, you don't should to demosntarte your love in one day, so you should demosntrate all of the days. The publicity said we that this day we should to prepare a romantic scene, for example dine in a beautiful restaurant, and if this is the most expansive restaurant of the city it's better.
In conclusion, I hate this date and I think that the people that belive in this day are manipuled

1 comentari:

  1. I'm agree with you Omar, we don't need a day for the love because the love is day by day, not only one day because the shops said that!
