The European Comision calls to Spain to correct the sociodemographycs imbalance, for example the number of chonis, bakalas and canis of the spanish youth population. Europe considered that the big number of canis is a delay and they can put a fine if the governament not reduce. In a conference in Brussels, Vice President of the European Commission , Olli Rehn, has claimed today that the Executive once this plan containment measures "chonis" in coordination with the institutions and the Ministry of Education .
I think that this is a great mesure because Spain is full of canis and that is a bad notice, because much of the young people not study and his life is dedicated at smoker marihuana, and this need a arrangement
I have an idea of what a "choni"is, however I have to confess the terms "bakala" and "canis" are absolutely new to me. I'm afraid you'll have to explain them to me, OK?
ResponEliminaThis is a really striking piece of news. Thanks.