Karl Benz asked hislef that the number of cars is relative at the number of deaths. In first, he say that in UK in 1950 were 4,4 millions of cars and 5012 deaths, but in 2010 were in UK 34 millions of cars and 1850 deaths. Said in another way, in 1950 for 100000 cars was 114 and in 2010 only 5 for 100000 cars. Like UK the other rich countries reduced too the number of deathss between 1980 and 2009, two examples are Spain, with 58% less and French with 54% less. If we count the number of accidents and injuries the think change: in 1950 there were 167,000 accidents with 196,000 injuries; in 2010 there were 154,000 accidents with 207,000 injuries. The number of injuries augmented, but the deatths reduced thanks of the systems of security. This estadistics are in the world developing, but in the countries subdevoloping it's very diferents. For example in Sudafrica the number of detahs are 15000 in the road. Futhermore other diference are that in rich countries the people who death are principally the ocupants of cars, but in the other countries not only the ocupants, fate the vulneralbe peatons. The reason are the system of security, that only in the 47% of the counties hahve laws of this kind. In the future the number of detahs in the world will augmented.
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