dissabte, 21 de gener del 2012

Resum of my TDR: Thrash Metal

My research project deals with thrash metal. Thrash metal is a type of music created in USA in 1980. Thrash it's from heavy metal, hardcore punk and with roots of speed metal. One of the causes of the birth of thrash is that at the end of the decade of '70 birth a new type of metal, glam metal and some people glam metal was an insult for metal and this rage was expressed in his music. Thrash is a kind very strong and fast. The representatives groups of this music are MegadetH, Metallica, Slayer and Anthrax. I explain the story of thrash, the predecents, the origen, why and caracteristics. The final is an analysis and I transalte 8 songs. I comment the songs and explain the subject.
Keywords: music kinds, groups of music, euphoria, inconformisme and rage

The begining of heavy metal: Black Sabbath

In the last years of the decade of '60 there are in England bands of hard rock for example Led Zepelin or Deep Purple but the band that poitend that others was Black Sabbath, because was the father of heavy metal.
Black Sabbath is a group formed in 1967 for Tony Iommi. In the beginings Black Sabbath was a band of blues, but one day Tonni Iommi had a nigthmare because Ozzy ( the singer of the grup) send a book of terror and for this point the band thing in change the lyrics and make horribles. However the guitarrist have one accident in the fingers in a factory, which was difficult playing guitar, then what they did was to loosen the strings that go up
play better and then discovered that this way the sound of the guitar was more
dark, as if it was demonic. It was something that they liked and did not force
rule to play live. Well, the sound "demonic" and thechange the subject of letters
applied in concert and this is where we would begin to talk about heavy metal. The intention of Black Sabbath was to take a music that would fear and actually did it: the
first played the song "Black Sabbath" People are scared and left
current setting, then realized that his music was really scared. He
be something revolutionary at that time and did not receive good reviews, at least
first Black Sabbath album.

dilluns, 9 de gener del 2012

Jak II The Renegate

Jak II is a game do it for Naughty Dog in 2002 for Playstation 2. Is a game of platforms and science fiction. This is the continued of Jak and Daxter, the first game. The principals characters are Jak and his inseparable friend Daxter and the second characters are his others friends.

Jak travell in not away future, and the governament tahe Jak and they have became Jak in a monster for the fight with Cabezachapas, a monsters that atack the city. Jak escape to the casttle of the governament and search one band that fight with the gobernament. The objective of Jak are that kill the governamet and fight with Cabezachapas. For this two objectives, he make very misionns since arrive to the governament. In the end og the game, the governament is killed for the king of Cabezachapas, and the last mision is kill this king, that was a friend of Jak, but he was transformed in a normal person.

For me this game is very good, because is entertaining and the history was very worked. I play this game many times in the past and I was very happy with this game.