La increible vida de un ser vulgar/ The incredible life of vulgar being
Desastre, humillación, envidia, traición / Disaster, humiliation, jealousy, treason
sociedad corrupta / corrupt society
Engaño, Engaño, Engaño Engaño!!! / Deception, Deception, Deception, Deception!!!
La increible vida de un ser vulgar / The incredible life of vulgar being
No esta vivo, no esta muerto, simplemente condenado / Not alive, not dead simply doomed,
condenado,condenado eternamente condenado / doomed, doomed eternally doomed
Fracaso, rutina, familia, la ruina / Failure, routine, family, the ruin
sociedad corrupta / corrupt society
Engaño, Engaño, Engaño, Engaño / Deception, Deception, Deception, Deception!!!
La increible vida de un ser vulgar / The incredible life of vulgar being
No esta vivo, no esta, muerto simplemente condenado / Not alive, not dead, simply doomed,
condenado, condenado, eternamente condenado / doomed, doomed, eternally doomed
diumenge, 20 de novembre del 2011
The three parts of the soul according to Freud

-"It": this part is the first that appears in the humans. This part only want satisfy desires. This part don't understand of the reason and of the time. You can see in a baby that he only want satisfy desires either way. The "it" in the picture is the bad Homer.
-"I": this part appears when the baby begins to have consciencie. The baby understand that existing one reality and act according the reality. In resum the "I" is the consciencie and have the function of control the "It" and the Super I". In the picture the "I" is the normal Homer.
-"Super I": this is the last part that appears in the humans, in 5-6 years old. This part is the inconscient. This part is the part that always want to do the good thinks. For example when one kid are alone in the house, he don't enter in the room of his parents because he understand that this act is bad. This part in the picture is the good Homer
The crisis affect at sexual relationship too
Beyond of economic indicators, the crisis af
fect at the persons, his moral and his sexual relationship. This is the reflect os one study of the
Colegio Cardenal Cisneros of Madrid and addressed for the phsycologist
Isidro Pérez Hidalgo. The cause of this estudy is that in 2008 the crisis introduce at the persons new patterns of behavior and mood changes that are connected with the crisis. Near of the 50% of the patients who have voluntarily submitted to this study, his esade mood down of the notable way and the nervousness and anxiety up. The experts conclude to a great sexual relationship needto nice psychological balance and that the depresion and the anxiety down this two factors. Among patients who have undergone the study, 65% acknowledged that their sleep is worse, 57% have increased their fears, 70% that their relationships have worsened, and 75% of its ability to enjoy sex has decreased

Colegio Cardenal Cisneros of Madrid and addressed for the phsycologist
Isidro Pérez Hidalgo. The cause of this estudy is that in 2008 the crisis introduce at the persons new patterns of behavior and mood changes that are connected with the crisis. Near of the 50% of the patients who have voluntarily submitted to this study, his esade mood down of the notable way and the nervousness and anxiety up. The experts conclude to a great sexual relationship needto nice psychological balance and that the depresion and the anxiety down this two factors. Among patients who have undergone the study, 65% acknowledged that their sleep is worse, 57% have increased their fears, 70% that their relationships have worsened, and 75% of its ability to enjoy sex has decreased
dissabte, 19 de novembre del 2011
The beginings of MegadetH

and toke a lot of drugs. However when Mustaine drunk he became very agressive, and his companys were tired, and decide to sack Mustaine to the group. He was very angry and he want to revenge, and he formed Megadeth. He need people for the band. One day, he was sleeping in his new room and one guy for downstairs was playing bass with much volum. Mustaine decide to take a pot and launch to the air conditioning. The guy that was called David Ellefson up at the house of Mustaine and said that need cigarrets and Mustaine said that in the liquor store of the end of the street and close the door. David ring the bell prayare time and ask that need alcohol too and Mustaine said "Now we understand".Mustaine introduce at David in the world of speed/thrash metal and the drugs. Later he meet Gar and Chris, the future integrants of Megadeth. The band was all formed in 1984 mor or less and in 1985 realized his first album, Killing is my bussiness... and my bussines is good!!! , a album of speed metal, a derivate of heavy metal but more fast and agresive. The way to play the music of Megadeth was more faster and more complex to Metallica, because Mustaine want to revenge and this think motived he to play more fast. But Megadeth a comercial level didn't arrive at the level of Metallica, although for me Megadeth is better than Metallica.
dimecres, 9 de novembre del 2011
The end of year of 2010
The end of the year of 2010 was the best. Was the most crazy in my life. Now I explain my experience:
Was 30 of December when I and my friends searching a camping for the end of the year. Was very dificult, but for lucky we met one camping. The next day we met food and drink and alcohol.The cmping provide to pool and a table to football free, and in the afternoon we played. When the nigh arrive, the party begin. We was begin to food and eat. Near to the camping was one pub that we frequented ocassionally. So we was in the camping and in the pub. When was the 3 or 4 of night some friends was drunk and began to say sillys and do stupid thinks. I laughed a lot this night with my friends. In one moment I decided to record two o my friends, Pablo (in the bed of up) and Alex ( in the bed of down).In this night one boy drink . In the morning the camping was a full of vomitings
dimarts, 8 de novembre del 2011
My friends of Norway
This summer was very cool. One of the reasons is that I make new friends. This friends are Tuva, Eiline, Frida and Solveig, the four of Norway. Now I explain how i meet they:
The 2 of July I was play fotbal with my friends, and suddenly appears four girls and they said that they want to play with we. We accepted and begin to play with they. When the match finish, he send me his emails and facebooks and that will met the next day. So the next day we play football and basket in park and later we went to the beach and play volleyball, and later we went to walk. Two days later we met to went to beach for swiming, and this was the last day that I saw they, because they went back to his country. It's probable that they come the next summer. In his country they play in football teams and are very good. Now always we speak for facebook and are good friends.
dilluns, 7 de novembre del 2011
dijous, 3 de novembre del 2011
My travel to Granada
In May of 2011 I was travell to Granada. Granada is a big and beautiful city located in Andalucía. I love Granada because have very buildings, escultures, monasteries very beautifuls and big, and I like it. The people in this city is very friendly, happy and funny. Granada have restaurants with high quality food and morever the food are cheap!. The Mayor of Granada have two restaurants and very fields. The people like his mayor. Granada have a important mountain: Sierra Nevada. I think that Sierra Nevada are the best of Granada because are a very big and beautiful mountain, like that the photo. In this mountain, I do sky and snowboarding, and are very funny and futhermore a meet friends and now are friends yet. In the city live my uncle and I visited he for two days. He show me the best corners of the city and he surprise my.
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